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Wykład po angielsku “Honesty and empathy – how to build connection with others”

2019-01-09 godz. 18:00 - 20:00

Introductory lecture Honesty and empathy – how to build connection with others Empathic Way Europe

Razem z Pauliną Orbitowską-Fernandez zapraszam na wykład w języku angielskim organizowany w ramach Empathic Way Europe.


Are you wondering what is the secret of creating good connection with other people?

Do you want to know how to talk to them so that they understand what you mean and do not get offended or angry?

Maybe you want support and understanding, but you do not know how to ask for it and you usually suppress your emotions till the moment of explosion “for no reason”?

Imagine how it would be if you could easily get along with people in your surroundings, experiencing authenticity, empathy and acceptance…

During this lecture we would like to share with you some tips that can help you take care of the quality of the relationships you are longing for. We will present you the concept of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and offer you simple tools that you can use in your everyday life.


When: 9 January 2018 r., 18:00-20:00


Where: Ośrodek Studiów Amerykańskich, Al. Niepodległości 22, Warsaw, Poland


More info and registration form HERE.